Alluvia Financial

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November was busy on the conference circuit and I found myself at ELEVATE by Aaron Sanson & Accountech.Live. Read more about my key takeaways here…

ELEVATE by Aaron Sansoni

Aaron’s event was recommended to me by a friend. I must say as much as I was looking forward to the event, I was a little worried about Sales pitch I knew that would come at the end. It was only $10 to attend the event and I knew there was going to be AMAZING content and speakers so there had to be a catch.

And yes, there was a big sales pitch at the end but the day still had a lot of value for me. Aaron was very captivating and to hear the stories of how he went from growing up a poor kid in Ferntree Gully to building an EMPIRE was very inspiring. The speakers shared some great tips that I have implemented into my day to day. One I loved was around Obligation. They talk about how if we an expert in something, we are OBLIGED to share that with the world. It would be selfish not too. It has given me a new outlook on my marketing. Instead of feeling like I’m annoying people, instead I am now approaching in with this obligation and focus on the solutions I am providing my clients or potential clients.

Hearing Turia Pitt speak was a highlight of the event. After her horrific accident she could have quite easily given up. Instead it has strengthened her resolve and she has gone on to do more incredible things. Something to remind ourselves of in shit times.


Accoutech.Live was nicely timed the day after Elevate. I made the most of this and checked myself into the QT Hotel for the week.

It was quite the change of pace from Elevate and a good opportunity to hear from Accounting and Bookkeeping industry leaders and catch up with the Xero team and the Xero Add On Partners we use in our firm (Receipt Bank, Hubdoc, Futrli, Deputy, Practice Ignition).

The conference was spaced over 2 days with multiple sessions and roundtable sessions throughout. As this was my first year, I booked myself in for the 2 days but in hindsight I could have seen what I needed in the one day. I still maximised my time by speaking with other Xero Partners and exploring some new cloud apps to the market.

A big theme of this event was Advisory. It’s a buzz word in our industry at the moment. What is it all about?

To me it’s about taking the data we are getting so much quicker thanks to the cloud, and using it to be more proactive with our clients.

For those of you are are working with us already in the this space, you’ve seen the insights we are able to give you thanks to Apps like Futrli. We can tell straight away if costs are blowing out or if sales have dipped and make plans proactively, rather than reactively.

Want to know more? Reach out to Jo today.